SPM 2016: International Meeting of Cave Photographers in Spain

zondag 4 september 2016 08:00 - zondag 11 september 2016 16:00
Albergue juvenil Soncillo, Avda. Alejandro Rodríguez de Valcárcel, S/N, 09572 Soncillo
Burgos, Spanje

English version (version Francaise ci-dessous, versión en Español abajo)

Meeting of the underworld photographers and their assistants.

SPELEO PHOTO MEETING 2016, will be celebrated from 4th to 11th September 2016 in the north of Spain (Soncillo-Burgos). 

SPELEO PHOTO MEETING 2016, is promoted and organized by the Espeleofoto Association, the Niphargus Speleologic Group (Burgos) and the Felix Ugarte Cultural Association (Donostia). In addition fifteen volunteers will work to develop the meeting.

The organizing committee of this meeting is constituted by the members of the Board of directors of the Espeleofoto Association: Roberto F. García Gómez, Lorenzo Sáez Castrillo, Jose Ángel Izquierdo Cano and Sergio Laburu Jimenez. E-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..
• Participants Pre-registration: October 2015
• Definitive registration and payment:  March - May 2016                                                                                 
• Number of  participants  80.
• Each photographer may come with 3 assistants.

All information on: http://spm2016.blogspot.com.es/2014/08/blog-post.html


Alle datums

  • Van zondag 4 september 2016 08:00 tot zondag 11 september 2016 16:00
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