• MySpeleo

26e Wetenschappelijke Speleologische Dagen

Internationaal Congres
zaterdag 18 november 2023 09:00 - zondag 19 november 2023 18:00
La Verrière (former: Dry-Hamptay)
46 Rue des Grottes, Han-sur-Lesse, 5580, België

Each year for 25 years now enthusiastic cavers meet for the scientific aspects of speleology in Han-sur-Lesse for a weekend of meetings, presentations and discussions.

The scientific meeting is mainly dedicated to Belgian karst and neighboring regions, as well as to the Belgian achievements abroad. The meeting is accessible for all and is intended to be an opportunity for cavers, scientists or merely curious to inquire or submit new observations or discoveries.

On Saturday there are many interesting conferences, such as from the guest speaker Prof. dr. Stanka Šebela, ZRC SAZU, Karst Research Institute, Postojna, Slovenia, who will tell us about the Geology and Speleology of the original karst in Slovenia and on Sunday there is a fieldtrip to the karst of eastern Belgium and the former mining operations under the guidance of Francis Polrot (GRSC – Les Chercheurs de la Wallonie) were we will discover a little-known karst well marked with the imprint of man on the borders of Wallonia .

Please hold these dates and practical information can be found on: https://sites.google.com/view/jss2/


Alle datums

  • Van zaterdag 18 november 2023 09:00 tot zondag 19 november 2023 18:00
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