• MySpeleo

International Caving Meeting: Strisciando 2019

Internationaal Congres
donderdag 31 oktober 2019 08:00 - zondag 3 november 2019 18:00
Village of Lettomanoppello, 65020 Pescara
International Caving Meeting: Strisciando 2019
An encounter between the past and the future; it is the bond that unites the curiosity inherent in the caver with everything that man has created to improve (perhaps) the world.
Let us tell ourselves how we can bring all these aspects together in speleology in the perspective that the caver is not considered the anachronistic character of the past but the explorer of today and tomorrow.
More information at: https://www.strisciando2019.it/

Alle datums

  • Van donderdag 31 oktober 2019 08:00 tot zondag 3 november 2019 18:00
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