• MySpeleo

6th EuroSpeleo Cave Protection Symposium

Internationaal Congres
dinsdag 26 oktober 2021 08:00 - zaterdag 30 oktober 2021 18:00
Insel Vilm
18581 Putbus, Duitsland
6th EuroSpeleo Protection Symposium
Due to the Corona/ Covid 19 pandemic and its impact on the freedom of travel in Europe, we unfortunately have to cancel our meeting in September 2020. In view of the circumstances, we hope for your understanding.
But there is also good news. The new symposium date has already been fixed: the 26 - 30 October 2021
The subject of the symposium and the location will remain the same: "Assessing, monitoring and protecting cave biotopes and geotopes d geotopes through Natura 2000 or similar programs in Europe" through Natura 2000 or similar programs in Europe" at the BfN-International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle of Vilm in the Baltic Sea region in Germany
“Assessing, monitoring and protecting cave biotopes and geotopes through Natura 2000 or similar programs in Europe”
organized jointly by the German Federal Agency for Natur Conservation (BfN)
and the European Cave Protection Commission (ECPC) of the European Speleological Federation (FSE)
at the BfN-International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle of Vilm, Germany
On behalf of the European Cave Protection Commission and the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation we kindly invite all speleologists, scientists and authorities active in cave and Karst monitoring and protection, to participate at the 6th EuroSpeleo Protection Symposium organized jointly by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the European Cave Protection Commission (ECPC) of the European Speleological Federation (FSE).
The Symposium will provide a platform for scientists, speleologists and authorities active in the domain of cave and karst monitoring and conservation.
It should give an overview about Natura 2000 type 8310 ''habtiat caves not open to public" monitoring procedures in EU member states and similar programs in non-EU countries. Main aspects will be monitoring, evaluation and cooperation through borders.It will address appropriate management measures to restore or maintain a favourable conservation status.
The symposium ist organized by ECPC (Bärbel Vogel (DE) & Jean-Claude Thies (LU)) and by BfN (Ute Feit).
If you are interested in attending the symposium, you will can download the first circular, a questionnaire and a registration from here:
Submit filled-in forms to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. by 1st March 2020.
best regards,
Jean-Claude Thies
ECPC President
European Cave Protection Commission

Alle datums

  • Van dinsdag 26 oktober 2021 08:00 tot zaterdag 30 oktober 2021 18:00
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