• MySpeleo

14th International Symposium on Pseudokarst

Internationaal Congres
maandag 22 mei 2023 08:00 - vrijdag 26 mei 2023 18:00
Centre of Training and Education of the Stołowe Mountains National Park, Karłów 10
Kudowa Zdrój 57-350, Polen

Pseudokarst caves in present-day exploration and scientific research

Pseudokarst (non-karst) caves represent a great number of caves discovered, explored and studied currently and in the past. However, they are still underestimated in publications, presentations and media reports dedicated to cave exploration and research.

Even in the International Year of Caves and Karst “karst” is clearly called in its name, but we know that many caves are not karstic, only partly karstic or their genesis is much more complex. Our contribution to the celebration of this Year was the 30th issue of the Pseudokarst Commission Newsletter (http://www.pseudokarst.com/ : Newsletter) that presents numerous examples of such caves occurring all over the world.

How will non-karst caves be “perceived” after this Year? This problem and other similar topics will be subjects of discussion during the 14. International Symposium of Pseudokarst in the Sudetes, Poland.

The 14th International Symposium on Pseudokarst will be held on 22-26th May 2023 in the Sudety Mountains (Sudetes), southwestern Poland. The main conference venue will be in the village of Karłów (the Centre of Training and Education of the Stołowe Mountains National Park https://www.pngs.com.pl/pl/turystyka/turyst11.html) in the central part of the Stołowe Mountains sandstone tableland. However, online participation in the scientific sessions (23-24th May) will be also possible.

Field sessions will comprise local geosites (including the mesa of Mt Szczeliniec Wielki and the Skalniak plateau), as well as excursions to the Broumov Highland, Czechia, and granite caves of the Western Sudetes.

A guidebook and abstract volume will be provided for participants during the Symposium meeting. The geomorphological and geological materials presented during the scientific sessions will be published in the volume of Studia Quaternaria (http://www.studia.quaternaria.pan.pl/) after normal reviewing procedure.

More detailed program will be provided in the 1st Circular, which will be distributed in October 2022.  

During the Symposium the General Assembly of the UIS Pseudokarst Commission will be held. Two forms of participation will be most probably provided: direct participation at the site and online participation.


Alle datums

  • Van maandag 22 mei 2023 08:00 tot vrijdag 26 mei 2023 18:00
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